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Welcome to the Talent and Leadership Club

The Talent and Leadership Club is one of the largest peer to peer networks for professionals working to develop the people within the organisations they work for.

It has a spirit of collaboration and sharing at its heart and is growing fast. If you like what you read do apply to join us.

The Talent and Leadership is a peer to peer networking group for people working within organisations. The membership is drawn from some of the largest global organisations as well as a number of large NGOs and governmental organisations. Members are limited to those working in-house, i.e. no consultants, with members  specialising in areas such as talent, learning, development, culture, OD and leadership.

The Club was formed in 2006 and has been growing in size ever since with membership of over 1,100 people.

There is no cost to join the group, it is set up by learning professionals, for learning professionals. The only ask is everyone puts in as much as they get from the group.

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